Turkey leftovers, what to do with them. First of all, save the turkey bones, all of them!
My mom informed me yesterday that I am in charge of making the home made turkey soup on Sunday, I usually make a weekly family dinner at her house anyway, so this will be fun. Stay tuned for the recipe!
In the mean time a tasty tacchino slider! I made this for lunch today:
1 dinner roll or two slices of bread
sliced turkey as much as you like
mayo or salad dressing if you don't prefer either use gravy, it helps keep everything together
1 leaf lettuce, just because it needs some green
1 oz leftover dressing/stuffing
1 oz cranberry sauce
salt and pepper to taste
Spread mayo, salad dressing or gravy on both sides of bread or roll. Place turkey, then lettuce, then cranberry sauce, more turkey, then the dressing/stuffing or gravy. Place other slice of bread/roll on top, cut in half an bon appetito. May be served either warm or cold. If serving warm, omit the salad dressing/mayo and lettuce if desired and place sandwich in the microwave for a few seconds.